Our Adult Academics program includes English Plus, ESL, High School Completion courses, and more.
Child Care for Students
Enrich your life with one of these non-credit classes designed to meet the needs and interests of the Troy community as well as those in surrounding areas!
A variety of after school and evening classes are offered to keep kids active and help develop creative and problem solving skills.
High School students can earn missing credits or gain advance credit.
Learn more about TSD Summer School programs!
The Troy School District is pleased to offer an, After-School Tutoring Program for elementary and middle school students.
Our preschool program offers full day or half day class selections. We also offer Explorers before and after school child care as well as Explorer sessions on most half days of school.
A playgroup for families with children 18 months to 36 months old.
All skill levels will run at these dates and times and are open to K - 5th grade
Music for Youth
Purchase a 6 or 12 session punch card.
Benefits of tax free municipal bonds to provide consistent, predictable tax free income -in a steady conservative investment.
Learn how to earn higher tax free interest on cash now at your local bank.
How to create a monthly income program for retirement needs and to supplement social security and other savings.
Different types of conservative tax free income strategies in an uncertain economy and stock market.
Reasons to own tax free bonds to provide you important benefits – regardless of your income level or tax bracket situation.
Bond examples; Oakland University, University of Michigan Hospital, Novi Public Schools and tax free bond mutual funds & ETFs.
Portfolio examples and economic and market update provided with a question & answer period.
Jonathan Strong