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TSD Credit Replacement Program
Course Category
About TSD Credit Replacement Program


SESSION DATES June 18 - August 20

Click here for brochure!

This opportunity is ONLY for existing TSD high school students who have been invited to participate in the TSD High School Credit Replacement Program.

You will have the opportunity to regain credit for courses you earned a NC (No Credit), E or H grade.

Letter grades will NOT be given. Students must meet with school counselor, assistant principal, or principal for course selection questions.

This program will be available from June 18 - August 20 online with support from a mentor teacher. To receive credit, students are required to complete their course(s) by August 20.

Students must consistently participate in their course(s) and communicate regularly with their mentor teacher or they may be dropped from the program.

Once a student successfully completes the credit recovery course, the NC (No Credit), H or E on the student’s transcript will be replaced with a CR (Credit) or G. Letter grades will NOT be given.

All TSD CR information is posted in the TSD CR Google Drive.

There are no TSD Credit Replacement Program courses available for registration.